Trusted Metering Solution Provider
Since 1968
LONGi provides a smart AMI prepaid comprehensive
LONGi provides a smart AMI prepaid Water integration solution to conquer challenges of water utility. It integrated smart STS Water distributed site solution and solar power solution. Using the solar power solution to conquer the installation site where there is no electricity, and do service for the convenience of the customers under the solar street light.
The whole solution is with key features of interoperability, security and scalability, complying with STS and DLMS/COSEM standard. It is a reliable and efficient AMI solution that provides a powerful revenue management and energy optimization platform to water utility, and helps water utility to conquer the existing challenges. It consists of the following sub systems: Vending interface System, MMS, Head-End System, Network System and Metering System.
A good solution to have wise life.
Smart AMI Prepaid Water Integration Solution
LONGi Meter
Leading Manufacturer of Intelligent Energy Management Instruments.
Keep equipments well maintained, Let quality be better guaranteed.